Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sawyer Update

Sawyer had his 15 month checkup last month (yes, I'm behind!). At a little over 25 pounds and 31 ¾ inches tall, he is in the 65th percentile for height and 70th for weight. He did not enjoy the doctor visit, as you can see…
Getting his head measured ...

Getting weighed...

He is walking so well, but he’s not much of a talker – although completely within the norm, according to Dr. M.
Sawyer’s vocabulary includes doggie, belly, bottle (ba-ba), book, mama, dada and bubbles. His first word was hot dog, but we haven’t heard that since the first time (and he doesn’t even like them!) When he hands you something, he’ll often say something that sounds like “thank you,” but I’m not sure about that one.

Sawyer is getting all his molars at once – top and bottom. So things have been a little rough around the house lately, with Sawyer very cranky and needing lots of holding – and who can blame him? He has also been waking up during the night, which hasn’t happened in a while. He just needs some cuddles, and he falls right back to sleep. He usually goes to bed around 7 and wakes up around 6:30, like clockwork.
He is a quiet little guy, but he has a great sense of humor. He makes hilarious faces and loves to flirt and laugh - especially when it's time for bed. :)

A few things our sweet Sawyer loves:
being outside, reading books, taking baths, walks in the jogger, being held, dogs and cats, bubbles, balloons, climbing stairs

His favorite foods include grapes, bananas, cheese, blueberry muffins, bagels, ham and kielbasa
He also recently decided that he is not going to sit in the high chair anymore. A booster seat at the table with everyone else, thank you very much.
And this weekend we are getting rid of the bottle. Thirteen months of breastfeeding, three months of bottle feeding and sippy cups ... Now we're moving to just sippy cups. **Sigh** I am sad about this, but I know it's time.



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