Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Goodbye, Canned Veggies

Today we picked up our first basket of fresh vegetables from Bramble Hill Farm, the CSA we joined this year. We didn't actually go to the farm this time (but we plan to go soon!) Instead, we picked it up a little closer to home at The Green Wagon, which is a very cool shop that sells environmentally friendly products. In our first basket we had some spinach, lettuce, sugar snap peas, radishes, a turnip and cilantro. I love cilantro, and it came in handy with our Mexican chicken dinner tonight. We also received a newsletter with a couple recipes (I'm definitely trying the creamed spinach popovers tomorrow or Friday...), and we got to meet one of the owners, Stephanie Roberts.

So, yes, the CSA is a little pricey on the front end, but I can already tell that it is so worth it. For one thing, it just feels good to support a local organic farm. This young couple is working on something real and healthy and good for the community and themselves... How can it not be good karma to help with that? Plus, we need a good dose of fresh veggies in our house - something to break us out of the canned green bean rut we're in.

Parker ate raw, fresh sugar snap peas on the way home ("Mommy, let's eat them all!"), and Sawyer took a couple bites of radish (before spitting them out).
I'd say we're off to a good start.

Mmmmm .... radishes.

Sawyer investigating the veggie basket...

Trying the peas...

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