Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Rough Few Days

Popsicles and ice didn't really help Parker's lip, after all. He bit it so severely when it was numb that his lip almost became infected - and it was so painful! For two nights I slept with him because he kept waking up crying all night long with pain, even with Tylenol and Motrin. He could barely eat, and he had to drink through a straw to keep liquids away from his lip. Poor boy! One night, after several crying bouts from lip pain, he fell out of bed and ended up with a big bump on his noggin. I took him to the doctor last Sunday - I just couldn't stand that he was in so much pain and it didn't seem to be getting better. Dr. M gave us penicillin to protect against infection, which made me feel a lot better. Parker had a really rough few days. Thankfully, it is almost completely healed now, more than a week later. And he's back to his rambunctious self. The real test? He ate pizza last night, no problem.

Here's what his lip looked like about four days after he chewed on it. :(


Julie Clark June 27, 2008 at 2:54 PM  

well this scares the crap out of me! NATHAN has a cavity and we have to take him to the dentist!


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