Saturday, November 14, 2009

Halloween Catch-Up

OK, Uncle C.P. ... you asked, and I deliver! Here are some pictures from Halloween. (Deep breath ...) Here goes:

We started with the fall festival at Parker's school. This was Parker's third year in a row to be Batman. But this time he had muscles. Very important difference. Here's Parker with his friend Jasmine. She was (you guessed it) Hannah Montana. :)

We had a spaghetti supper after the games. Here's Parker with his friend Sophia, who was trying on his mask.

It's Rapunzel. Wait! No, that's Parker's teacher, Mrs. Newbill. She is awesome.

We went trick-or-treating with Cameron (Little Mermaid) - as we have for years! A very fun tradition. These guys are such good friends.

A little pre-trick-or-treating weenie roast with our friends Scott and Stasia (Cameron's mom and dad).

Sawyer was Superman, mostly because he wouldn't wear a costume with any sort of hat or headpiece. And it worked with the whole superhero theme.

The crew. The guys went, too, along with Cameron's grandma.

Sawyer jumped right in like a pro. I'm sure he was wondering, "What the heck is going on? But hey, people are giving me candy. I'm in!"

Someone gave out these glow-in-the-dark teeth. They were Parker's favorite treat of the night.

Up next, photos from our trip to Arkansas last month... Stay tuned.



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