Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Boneshaker and Bongo Drums

I took the boys to Centennial Park recently, and we saw this man riding a weird contraption around the park (maybe you've seen him?). We eventually struck up a conversation, and he told us all about it. Parker even got to try it out. It's called a Boneshaker (also a Hiwheel bike) first built in the mid-1800s. It's called a Boneshaker because there are no shocks, and it would rattle people's bones when they rode on dirt roads. Cool, huh?

Then we fed the ducks...

And just ran around...

Another Centennial Park adventure: Earlier this month, Jerod took Parker to the city's Celebration of Cultures at Centennial, and they came home with bongo drums.

I'm all for open green spaces and plenty of parks.



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