Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th, sort of...

We finally had really cool plans for the 4th of July - to go downtown and watch the fireworks from a condo right on the river (thanks to my lovely friend and coworker, Kim M., who invited us) - and what happens? Little Sawyer wakes up with a 102-degree fever. Parker had really been looking forward to his first fireworks show, and these opportunities don't come along often. So J decided to take Parker, just the two of them, so Parker wouldn't miss out. I, of course, and seriously bummed out to be missing the fun. Sitting at home now, I just talked to J. He says the apartment is absolutely incredible, right on the river, and they're going to have an amazing view of the fireworks.


Poor Sawyer has been cranky all day, whimpering and feeling miserable. So it was definitely the right decision for me to stay home with him. He's sleeping now in his dark, quiet room on cool sheets, and his little forehead feels cool for the first time all day. But it's still a little depressing to be home on such a fun occasion, missing hanging out with friends, being around the excitment - and most of all, missing the expression on Parker's face when he sees those fireworks for the first time.

Don't get me wrong - I can't wait to hear how it goes, and I'm so glad they're getting to do this. J has promised to take lots of pictures, which I'll post later. Here's a picture of a very grumpy Sawyer, and Parker before heading downtown.



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